The Fine Print: Tour Life

hyperadmin | The Fine Print | Sunday, April 18th, 2010


By Jonathon “Bizz” Brown

Incase you’re not up to date, I’m Jonathon “Bizz” Brown and I’ve been on the Slaughterhouse/Pharoahe Monch/Peter Jackson tour for about a week now selling t-shirts. I’ve had little internet access, but we reached B.C. yesterday and I was inspired to write – just not in usual FINE PRINT format. So here it is…

Walking uphill – both ways – is tour life.
Cash, socks, Timmys and jimmys and we’re off to see the wizard.
Bold in our journey, wondering what’s next.
Never been there. Matter-of-fact, wherrrrrre?…are we today…?!
What day is it again?????
All I know is the beginning and the end.

The days are dominated by distant scenery and delusional silly fits of laughter.
An endless cycle of commentary, sharing ambitions, opinions and war stories.
The unit becomes acquainted then educated when relegated to the road.
Rest stops are adventures. Locals are charismatic. Everyday is groundhog day.

The nights are the risk and the reward.
New faces in foreign places.
Some special bonds are forged.
We play hide and go seek with the spiritual energy of success.

Talking up a storm, we’re the guys you just know are from somewhere….else…
Our cadence seems tested. Our sales tactics prove relentless.
We work the room and groom prospects, potential sales and local hospitality.
We’ve got a story to tell – from the big city by way of Petro-Canada, Sunoco and Shell.
Product in hand, we’re headstrong into this new land.
(“And wouldn’t you like to be a part of it…hungry young hip hop fan?”)

Movement is the only time marker. Re-organization is perpetual. Tempers are tested. Lifestyles merge and luxuries are shelved.
I balance between comfort from well wishes, well deserved from those back home, with homesickness they unintentionally provoke.
The games in my head see-saw my visions of success. Blurred before refocused and ran with, my confidence battles breathlessness.
I miss my bed, so I sleep on the bed of new money I’ve made.
I miss my family, so I talk to God.
I miss my life but couldn’t miss the boat – so I float from Toronto to the coast.

Living in a bubble, my hustle is humbled by the canvas it covers.
I’m living an adventure on tour beside hip hop…

You can purchase your t-shirt at ITLIVESINTHENORTH.COM

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