NEW ALBUM: D-Sisive "Run With The Creeps"

Ty Harper | Album,Audio | Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

D-Sisive drops another highly impressive full-length offering and I can’t lie – I’ve kinda felt like this dude is getting super overlooked in more ‘traditional’ hip-hop circles within the city. I mean, to each his own – but I just feel it’s kind of weird that what this dude’s been putting out since ’08 hasn’t gotten more ‘true-school’ acknowledgment. Especially considering that he’s a product/student/member of the very era we hail as the last vestige of the golden age. Anyways congrats to D-Sisive and his team for dropping another dope release.

And now, a word from the man himself:

it’s 11:38pm. in 22 minutes i’ll be releasing my 6th album. run with the creeps.

i’m refusing to use capital letters.

the only lights in my apartment come from my television. last week’s episode of dragon’s den. on mute.

i don’t feel the same way i’ve felt on my previous release eves. over excited? jaded? tired? low expectations? i can’t figure it out. i know i’m proud of this album. that’s all that matters, i suppose.

today my label informed me theres has been a lot of pre-orders. i’ve never been one to sell a lot of albums. the news made me happy. my vancouver show was packed. my shows are rarely. things definitely seem to be picking up. i’m happy.

and now the favour. i hope you don’t mind me asking one of you. not a difficult one. if you choose not to, i understand. this album has had minimal to zero promotion. this is usually the case. something i’m used to. this time around i need your help. nothing fancy. if you feel up for it, please mention the release in a facebook status. or a tweet. or pass the bandcamp/iTunes link on to a friend. or two. and if you like the music, come visit me when i’m in your town. if you choose to grant me this favour, your effort officially makes us posse members. a band. creeps!



if you tweet, please include the hashtag #Creeps

does this request seem desperate? maybe. what’s the worst that can happen? you refuse. i’ve been through worse! 😉 your help will not go unnoticed and will be greatly appreciated. keep the train moving forward.

will this album match drake’s sales? absolutely not. will it change my life? hopefully. but not drastically. it’s going to take a lot more and i have a lot more in me.

5 minutes till release!

if you’ll excuse me, i must tupperware tomorrow’s lunch. work at 9!

hope you enjoy Run With The Creeps.


ps. i’d like to thank everyone involved in creating this album. and i’d like to thank everyone i make music for. hope to meet you all.

P.S. Celebrate the album release November 18th @ The Rivoli (332 Queen St. West).


Previously: NEW MUSIC: D-Sisive “Run With The Creeps” (Sampler) + Release Party (November 18th @ The Rivoli)


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